Social Media Strategist – Carla Tessio


Carla Tessio


Senior Social Media Executive UK&Ireland


Celebrity Cruises

Time with the company:

3 years 10 months


What is your morning routine?

I get woken up at 5.30 am by my 18 months old son almost every day (weekdays and weekends alike). I get us both changed as fast as I can, I make a coffee to take on the go, drop him at nursery and start my daily commute.

How did you get the job / how did you become involved with the industry?

I have always been passionate about the lifestyle and travel industries so when my lovely recruiter mentioned this role was available, I was over the moon. The recruitment process was long and painful. It involved 4 interviews and a social media strategy. Every time I met someone in the team I felt an instant connection with them, which is so rare and that made me want the job even more. Luckily, I got it.

What is your main responsibility?

In short, I manage the strategy for the company’s social media channels but this includes so many little bits and pieces. However, what I think is key in my role is to be curious and to be able to constantly bring new ideas to the table and implement them. Innovation is key. I also manage two wonderful Community Managers who always know how to make me smile.

What is your typical day like?

The first thing I do is get up to speed on what’s happened overnight. My commute is one and a half hours (I know, I must really love my job) so I have plenty of time on the  train journey to do this and catch up on some of my emails. Once I get to the office, I have a look at all channels, how they are performing, what we have planned next, if anything needs to change and then I carry on working on the many projects we have live or pending launch. I also probably have around 3 to 4 meetings and a couple of calls scheduled for the day. Oh! And I always have lunch with 2 of my favourite colleagues. We’ve set a new rule to always have lunch away from our desks and it’s just so nice to give your eyes and mind a rest and catch up with lovely people.

What’s the best part of your job?

Things within the cruise industry change very quickly so sometimes it means that something you have been working on is no longer relevant and you need to start from scratch. It can be quite frustrating at times.

What’s the worst part of your job?

Things within the cruise industry change very quickly so sometimes it means that something you have been working on is no longer relevant and you need to start from scratch. It can be quite frustrating at times.

What’s your most memorable work moment?

There’s many moments when I’ve felt privileged to do what I do but I think my favourite parts (and probably the most stressful ones) have been launching the new Edge Class ships. They are real game-changers for the industry. This has also allowed me to work with really talented people and teams such as Kelly Hoppen’s or Ben Fogle’s who are game-changers in their own industries.

The objective of this series of interviews is to give an insight in the working lives of some of the people we work with and their brands. It is always useful for our candidates to get a glimpse of what these roles entail.

If you have an interesting role to play in the sectors of luxury Fashion, Digital or Design and technical and would love to be featured in this series please email  we would love to hear from you.

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A few words about the article author

Dwayne Ferguson is Head of Digital at Outside The Box Recruitment.

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